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Fruit and Traditional Medicinal Plants

Fruit and Traditional Medicinal Plants

Fruit and Traditional Medicinal Plants for High Cholesterol naturally healthy

High cholesterol is a health problem that is very prevalent today. Unhealthy eating patterns, such as junk food or fast food contributed to cause this problem. Traditional medicine is a solution that high cholesterol is believed to be safer than conventional methods medically, because of the risk of side effects if taken continuously. There are so many choices of plants that has been trusted for generations can help lower cholesterol and reduce triglycerides in the blood.

Traditional Medicine High Cholesterol
Medicinal herbs are easily available so that anyone would have problems to get it. Fruits and herbs into natural remedies as a way of lowering cholesterol safely, though many pharmacological drugs that otherwise could help overcome cholesterol quickly.
As Traditional Medicine High Cholesterol with Fruit
Among the fruits were regarded as hereditary cholesterol drugs is avocado. The fruit is believed to be able to overcome cholesterol because the content of pantothenic acid, folic acid, and a variety of other vitamins that can have a positive effect on health. No doubt also some other ingredients such as unsaturated fatty acids and fiber, glutathione, magnesium, etc. also strong benefits. The best way to eat an avocado is to consume them directly. But there is also much loved in the form of juice or smoothie.
Starfruit to Lower Cholesterol
Sweet star fruit is also believed to be the traditional medicine of high cholesterol. Fibers of this fruit can help the absorption of fat as well as reduce the content of cholesterol in the body. Vitamin C content of the fruit also has a positive effect to increase endurance. Sweet star fruit also acts as an anti-cancer properties. This fruit can be eaten directly or made juice.

How to Lower Cholesterol with Plant
The next ingredient that is often used to overcome the problem of cholesterol is cabbage. These vegetables are rich in protein, water, fiber, fat, and other useful positively to lower cholesterol in the body. Aside from being a vegetable, cube can also be processed and taken juice. The trick is to cut up cabbage and extract from these materials. Cabbage juice can be consumed every day to obtain the maximum results for lowering cholesterol in the body. For those who do not like the taste of cabbage, you can mix or process them with a variety of other ingredients or the recipe found its own.

Traditional Medicine High Cholesterol, cabbage
Traditional medicine next high cholesterol that are commonly used in traditional health practices is liquorice. This plant is basically useless because the content of triter penoids and other ingredients such as biotin, sinapic acid, and beta-sitoterol. The process of making the herb can be boiled and mixed with water. Sieve of sweet decoction of the roots can be consumed every day to lower cholesterol. There are also some people who utilize a nutritionist to lower cholesterol more quickly and efficiently as well.

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