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How to Make Easy and well- Instant Ginger

How to Make Easy and well- Instant Ginger

How to Make Easy and well- Instant Ginger

easy and well

Ginger is a rhizome plant which has a pseudo-stem and unique aroma. The unique shape and its spicy flavors make it as one of the favorites included beverage warmers. Spice plants have been used since a long time as a spice in cooking, medicine and healthy beverages. Many industries that make products from raw materials ginger.

In general, ginger was known by three types of ginger, ginger and red ginger. This time I will share the results of lab Agricultural Products Processing Technology (TPHP) yesterday. At first I was confused Gingers how ya let ginger can be used as an instant powder.

Healthy drink is a drink made of herbs that have a positive impact on the body, helps metabolism and refreshing when consumed. Instant ginger is one of instant drinks that can options at home. Oke accordance with its title, now let us make.

Tools and Materials Make Instant Ginger

The tools we use is quite simple: a grater, knives, containers, filter cloth, basin, stove, pans and food mixers, while the materials used ginger 1 kg and 1 kg of sugar.

Prepare materials on top in the kitchen. Type of ginger used up buddy, can ginger ginger and red ginger, but if I were trial yesterday using ginger and ginger.

The difference in the results of the two types of ginger on top is on the yield and spicy flavor that is generated. ginger has a more spicy flavor and the yield is nearly 50% according to my  have been nice if it breaks 50%, while ginger aroma, spiciness and the value of the yield is still inferior to that CVD.

How to Make Your Own Instant Ginger


"> Before making ginger should your hands protected by gloves sub lock or something that is not hot. Oke us straight to manufacture.
Clean the ginger from the remnants of land attached to the skin and ginger black and dirty wipe clean with a knife clean enough, my advice do in peeled because it will reduce the yield later.
Grate the ginger that has been cleaned up over the grater, if you have a grater grinding machine sila use it just because it is faster and more secure.
Results grated squeezed and filtered using a fine sieve cloth so that the pulp is not shipped with the juice, right to be taken is the essence remember this procedure without the addition of water so pure ginger juice only.
Wait 3-5 minutes to allow the starch and squeeze juice that has been separated. The starch coating solution of the juice at the bottom of thick white colored sari while on top of it starch.
Pour the ginger juice to the pan and add 1 kg of sugar also then turn on the stove. stir mixture constantly until boiling, when it has been kept at the boil stir to brown sugar ginger powder instant that the results showed.
The stirring process is continued until the dough into a powder, cooking is the goal to vaporize water and fruit juice powdered sugar so binding that produced together with instant ginger.
Instant ginger powder produced when good turns milky (white aga brownish) is the longest section of efflorescence and pulverization when cooking on the stove. After so please mate weigh the weight to calculate the yield generated, how to divide the weight of ginger and sugar before in the process and the results of instant ginger powder that was obtained later in the 100. The result is that had my ginger ginger 49%, while about 48% if in kilograms will be approximately 1 kg less than a few grams to CVD.

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